Health Services


Services Provided

Eye Exams and Glasses

Eye exams include treating and managing refractive error, binocular function, ocular health, glasses prescriptions, and ocular prescriptions as needed.

Optometry team members order, adjust, and repair military-issued spectacles and gas-mask and ballistic inserts.

Contact Lenses

New contact lens fittings for elective or cosmetic reasons are not performed. However, new fittings are available for patients enrolled in the aircrew contact lens program and for those with medical necessity as determined by the doctor.

Aircrew patients wishing to enroll in the aircrew contact lens program will need to initiate the process with the Flight Medicine clinic.

Contact lens prescriptions are renewed if the patient wears or brings their contact lenses to the appointment along with a copy of the current prescription to include boxes, packages, order invoice with required lens parameters.

Refractive Surgery

The optometry clinic also provides refractive surgery assessments for active duty members who are 21 years or older and meet all surgery criteria. Interested members should schedule a routine eye exam to determine if they qualify.

Appointment Availability

During times of short manning, appointments for retirees and dependents (5 years and older) may be limited. All routine eye exams are scheduled through central appointments or by logging onto TRICARE Online.

Contact Us





7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Building 1090First Floor

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